Newton Public Library Close to Goal

Newton Public Library Foundation, a CKCF affiliate, has reached 90 percent of its goal for the WHERE COMMUNITY CONNECTS Campaign to help construct a new Newton Public Library to benefit Newton and surrounding communities.

The campaign, with an October deadline, has a goal of $2.7 million to augment funding from the City of Newton and Newton Public Library for the $10 million project. The new library will be built adjacent to the existing library, and is designed to be a place for reading, learning, creating, and connecting. Features such as an updated children’s library, a dedicated teen area, private study rooms, an additional meeting room, and an indoor/outdoor seating area will provide an inviting space for traditional library experiences and new opportunities. By making the library accessible, up-to-date, and inviting, we can ensure that Newton Public Library can continue to provide quality service for generations to come.



If you wish to explore alternative ways of giving, please contact Angie Tatro, CEO, to learn more about IRA gifts, gifts of securities, tax credit opportunities and more. She can be reached at or 316-239-9451.

Peabody Community Foundation Engages Housing Issue

The Peabody Community Foundation (PCF) is exploring community improvement, especially as it relates to housing, as part of an opportunity through the Kansas Association of Community Foundations experiment to apply the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the rural Kansas context.  PCF is one of five community foundations in the state to participate in the SDG project.

The effort is being led by five local influencers, selected for their community involvement and leadership:  Tom Spencer, Peabody Mayor; Ron Traxson, PCF board member; Becky Nickel, PCF Director; and community leaders, Lynn Berns and Susan Mayo.  This group is making housing their primary focus and anticipates procuring funds for research and the implementation of housing projects.

In addition to conducting dozens of stakeholder interviews, the SDG Team hosted a public meeting facilitated by WSU’s Community Engagement Institute on July 11, all in an effort to solicit input about the housing needs and priorities in Peabody.

“Our SDG Team is energized about the potential of working within the SDG framework to address our community’s needs.  There are 17 SDG goals and we’ve narrowed our focus to Goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities,” said Nickel.  “Each goal has several targets under it.  The first target under Goal 11 is adequate, safe and affordable housing which is a real need in Peabody.”

At its April planning session, the PCF Board of Directors named community improvement as a goal for the foundation, which aligns with the SDG goal for Sustainable Cities and Communities. The Board anticipates close collaboration with the SDG Team and the Peabody City Council toward this goal.

The SDG project is supported by the C. S. Mott Foundation and implemented by the Kansas Association of Community Foundations in partnership with the WSU Community Engagement Institute.  PCF, an affiliate of Central Kansas Community Foundation, is a member of the Kansas Association.

In addition to working locally, the five Kansas SDG teams are learning about efforts around the world where the SDG goals are being applied to issues like poverty, education, and hunger.  PCF, like many community foundations, is already working to reduce poverty and promote healthy lifestyles by granting funds to local charities with programming in these areas.  The SDGs provide a blueprint for asset development, community engagement, and investment strategies.

The two-year Kansas SDG project began in September 2021.  Learnings from the Kansas experiment will be shared with community foundations across the nation, as well as abroad, to inform and encourage more community foundations to incorporate SDGs into their work, regardless of their size or location.  The other Kansas foundations participating in the project are Rice County Community Foundation, Legacy-A Regional Community Foundation, Western Kansas Community Foundation, and Bird City Century II Community Foundation.




Pictured above are the presenters and recipients of this years’ Women of the Year Scholarship Cycle (left to right: Casie Powell, Lauren Anton, Kaitlyn McMullin, Savannah Hunsucker, Jennifer Vogts and Ada Schmidt-Thiesen)

65 Total Scholarships

118 Scholarship Recipients

Scholarhip Ammounts:
$250 – $5500 each

Total Amount Awarded:

“This year’s scholarship cycle was finalized in May. The scholarship award letters have been sent out and it has been fun to see what the recipients have chosen to do in the next phase of their lives. We wish them all the best as they move forward!”  -Kim Stahly, CKCF Scholarship Program Officer.

Are you interested in growing your scholarship programs? View this SAMPLE LETTER from a fund advisor in Fredonia, KS.

He is strategically engaging a targeted people (alumni of a specific graduating class) and successfully connects with them in one very specific way.  The proof of their success is in the amazing growth the fund has seen over the years.

If you have more interest in how CKCF assists with scholarship programs, please contact Kim Stahly, CKCF Program Officer, Scholarships.

Here is the 2022-2023 Scholarship Awards List across all CKCF Affiliates.

Scholarship Awardees 2022-2023

Augusta CF

Chelsea Gerbitz Scholarship

  • Halle Ramsey
  • Jaiden Ingram
  • Kassie Kinniburgh
  • Tristan Olive
  • Joshua Manahan
  • Abby Strouth
  • Isabelle Loucks
  • Kendal Vinson
  • Hunter Jones
  • Jake Brown

May Gruver Scholarship 

  • Tommie Schaffner

Sally Annette (Souder) Puckett Scholarship 

  • Tristan Olive

Vada-Vida Fletcher/Ketch Business Scholarship 

  • Sydney Scott

Walter and Sidney Ewalt Scholarship 

  • Tommie Schaffner

Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF)

Andover Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

  • Cara Brockmeyer 
  • Nicole McIlvain

Margaret L Smith Decker Scholarship

  • Amie Yoder

Seeds of Opportunity:  Richard and Leah May Ross Memorial Scholarship for Continuing Education 

  • Hannah Agee 
  • Christopher Ward

Douglass CF

Dellsea Nachbor Memorial Scholarship 

  • Natalie McCosh

Galen Haaga Memorial Scholarship

  •  Brianna Wasson

Jeremy Allen Taylor Memorial Scholarship 

  • Justin Martin 
  • Brady Roberts

Rusty Allen Inkelaar Scholarship

  • Kaitlyn Seiwert

El Dorado CF

Collin and Sally Rowell Memorial Scholarship

  • Erin Johnson 
  • Ethan Manke

Clifford and Rubye Angleton Scholarship

  • Leslie De La Rosa
  • Jaysi Mertz
  • Victoria George
  • Jillian Rockley

George Trimble Special Need Scholarship

  • Victoria George
  • Kara McLaren
  • Presley Johnson
  • Ethan Manke

Jenny Sundgren Baker Memorial Scholarship 

  • Trena Garcia

Wayne Willis 

  • Kiowa Stark
  • Audrey Van Zelfden
  • Caleb Hinck
  • Christopher Cain
  • Lily Hilgenfeld
  • Erin Johnson

Elk County CF

Ernest Frank Horn Jr, Endowed Scholarship

  • Alanna Walker

Florence CF

Florence High School Association Endowed Scholarship 

  • Gracie Mackey

Fredonia CF

Fredonia High School Class of ’63 Legacy Project Scholarship 

  • Erin Frenk
  • Shaley Sommer
  • Jordan Smith
  • Ian Sommer

Goessel CF


  • Rachael Zogleman 
  • Kaleigh Guhr

Nelson Galle Scholarship Endowment

  • Caiden Duerksen

Dustin Thiesen Student Opportunity Fund for Goessel High School

  • David Johnson
  • Chevy Gagnon
  • Dominic Englestad
  • Chole Smith

Halstead CF

Bernice Wedel Memorial Scholarship 

  • Leah Weber

Charlsen Insurance Agency Scholarship

  •  Leah Weber 
  • Isabelle Loucks

Delores Sexton Memorial Scholarship 

  • Isabelle Loucks

Fleetwood Scholarship

  • Leah Weber
  • Coleton Herman 
  • Chandler Drake

Halstead Public Service Scholarship 

  • Daizy Wilkinson

Larry and Alma Herl Scholarship

  •  Shea Inlow

Nightingale Family Scholarship

  • Leah Weber

Robert B Baumann Memorial Scholarship

  • Duncan Haury 
  • Christopher Ward

Rupp Lawson Scholarship

  • Korbin Black

Hesston CF

Donna Schadler Scholarship

  •  Harley Ferralez

Excel Industries, Inc. Scholarship

  • Andrew Barron 
  • Coleman Eason

G51 Scholarship  

  • Faith Elliott
  • Brynn Johnston 
  • Max Werner

Hillsboro CF

CM Sextro Memorial Math Scholarship

  • Malorie Hein

Demarius Lives Scholarship

  • Frank Wichert
  • Duncan Duell 
  • Malorie Hein

Earl and Mary Lee Wineinger Memorial Scholarship

  • Mickelly Soyez

Free Press / Joel Klaassen Journalisn Scholarship 

  • Samantha Saunders

Gehring Family Tech Scholarship 

  • Thomas Smith

Rod’s Tire and Service Scholarship 

  • Eli Dalke 
  • Jaxxon Hanschu

Newton CF

Brian Arellano Scholarship 

  • Madelynn Hamm

Denise Lynn Oursler Memorial Scholarship 

  • Hallie Watkins

E.S. Sanderson Scholarship 

  • Kaden Anderson
  • Caleb Garber 
  • Nikolas Lampman Thompson

Jean and Virginia Coleman Scholarship 

  • Kaden Anderson

Katherine Hanna Education Trust Endowment

  • Kaitlyn McMullin

Newton Area Women of the Year Scholarship 

  • Savannah Hunsucker
  • Kaitlyn McMullin 
  • Lauren Anton

Newton Lions Club Scholarship

  • Lauren Anton

Nygaard Family Scholarship

  • Hayley Loewen 
  • Jordyn Regier

Snapp Family Scholars

  • Ethan Neufeld
  • Kaitlyn McMullin 
  • Benjamin Friesen Guhr

Peabody CF

Ewert Family Scholarship 

  • Noal Reynolds

Keith and Marilyn Harsh Scholarship

  • Carly Deines
  • Samantha Saunders

Marilyn and Keith Harsh Memorial Scholarship

  • Noal Reynolds

Sharlene L Brooks Memorial Fund

  • Talyn Stahlheber

Vernon and Laura Slocombe Memorial Scholarship

  • Ariana Marcenaro

Remington CF

Edna and Mae Mertz Scholarship

  • Lily Hilgenfeld
  • Jackson Bumgarner 
  • Alli Willour

John Edwards Scholarship 

  • Ellie Van Zelfden

Keith Sommers Scholarship 

  • Evan Claassen

Larry Brown Memorial Scholarship 

  • Jackson Bumgarner

Pat Halabi Memorial Scholarship

  • Willow Blackfox

RD Allen Scholarship

  • Zach Jenkins

Tina Jo Wedel Burton Scholarship

  • Alli Willour 
  • Lucy Brown

Valley Center CF

Riley Greenwood Memorial Scholarship 

  • Madison Moses

Grant for World’s Robotics Competition

The Hesston Community Foundation board of directors voted unanimously to grant $2,000 to team 7862D, Jones Braker and Madi Tozier, to attend the World’s Robotics Championship in Dallas, TX May 5-7, 2022. As the program is outside the scope of school support and funding, the team sought funding in the amount of $3,000 from community sources, including the Foundation, to cover the cost of their team registration and travel expenses.

The duo recently won the Innovate Award at the State Competition. Shortly thereafter, VEX invited Jones and Madi to participate in the World Competition. Their team is the only one from Hesston attending the World Competition. Considered an opportunity of a lifetime, they are the only team to go to worlds in three years from Hesston.
Madi and Jones are sophomores at Hesston High School. Jones is a sophomore, and this is his 2nd year in robotics. He joined the team to exercise his ability to think three-dimensionally in order to create something tangible, something you can see at work. Madi is also a sophomore and is grateful for the opportunity to have attended state and excited to attend World’s. She joined robotics because her brother talked highly of it and it sounded challenging and fun. She has quickly excelled in the program.

The members of the team are perfectly matched. Their innovative robot has a symmetrical design with a claw lift, goal lift and ring scoring technique. Together, they have overcome many obstacles including coding, building, win-point and driving. Their work has qualified them for six awards, including an out-of-state award. The Innovate Award, which qualified them for the World’s Championship, was given to them for a specific, unique piece of engineering that exemplifies thinking outside the box and innovative engineering design.
We wish them the best of luck next week!

State of the Foundation


This spring we held our virtual “State of the Foundation” address on March 16, 2022.

Angie Tatro, CEO of Central Kansas Community Foundation, provided information regarding current events and statistics. CKCF’s Primary Investment Manager, Graystone Consulting, provided a report on the investment pool and also share market considerations. You can watch the recording of the address below. And remember, you can always access our financials at a glance HERE.


Affiliate Spotlight: Hillsboro Community Foundation

(L to R) Marisa Javier (HCF Board Member), Laura Delaney (Parkside Homes CEO) and Max Heinrichs (HCF Chairman)

In 2020, the Hillsboro Community Foundation (HCF), an affiliate of Central Kansas Community Foundation, set up the Helen and Laurine Schafer Charitable Fund. Helen proactively had made arrangements prior to her death, directing part of her estate to HCF for the establishment of a charitable fund, benefiting health related projects in Hillsboro. In the fall of 2021, the HCF board of directors designated a grant of $5,000 to both Parkside Homes and Salem Home.

Starting in 2022 the fund’s spendable balance will be part of the annual grant cycle.  We look forward to utilizing this fund to support future health related projects in Hillsboro, fulfilling the charitable intent of these generous donors.

(L to R) -Max Heinrichs ( HCF Chairman), Marisa Javier (HCF Board Member), Lisa Donahue (Public Relations and Marketing) and Peter Mungai (Salem CEO)

CKCF Receives National Accreditation

On January 15, 2022, CKCF renewed our national accreditation with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.  We are very pleased to have received this validation for our organization quality and the positive impact we have on our communities. This is a 3 year  accreditation process. Here is an excerpt from our acceptance letter.

Dear Central Kansas Community Foundation, 

Congratulations on your community foundation’s accreditation with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®. Thank you for your work, dedication, and patience during the accreditation process. The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® accreditation program represents your foundation’s commitment to go above and beyond federal and state law requirements to demonstrate accountability and excellence to communities, policymakers, and the public.

Kind regards,

Kevin van Bronkhorst and Stephanie Audain
on behalf of the Community Foundations National Standards Board

Giving Tuesday Recap

Here is a brief recap of several Giving Tuesday events from last month and a chart that shows approximate totals from each affiliate’s campaign.

  • Goessel hosted an event with local charities at their Community Center.
  • Hesston invited donations at the Lincoln Perk; donors received a coffee gift certificate—Give a Little Give a Latte!
  • Hillsboro hosted an event with fund holders at Hillsboro City Hall.
  • Remington Area board members set up at the Whitewater Memorial Library and invited donations to their Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
  • Peabody hosted local charities at Peabody-Burns High School and presented teacher grant awards.
  • Women’s CF presented grant awards at Newton Recreation Center.
  • Pie Auctions were held in Halstead, Peabody and Valley Center.

Gratitude Abounds

Our Central Kansas service area is overjoyed and grateful to our donors, partners, volunteers and friends every day of the year, but it’s great to have one day to spend the whole day counting our blessings. Thank you for being a part of our mission for building stronger communities through charitable giving.

Wishing you a bountiful holiday as you spend it with your family and friends.