CKCF Board of Directors

2023-2024 Officers


  1. Immediate Past Chair, Becky Wolfe (Augusta)
    Advanced Innovations LLC
  2. Chair, Amy Budde (Newton)
    Citizen’s Bank – Newton
  3. Vice-Chair, Open Position
  4. Vice Chair Elect, Heather Porter (Newton)
    NMC Health
  5. Treasurer, Don Voth (Newton)
    Retired Finance
  6. Secretary, Myron Schmidt (Goessel)
    Goessel Community Foundation
  7. Finance Chair, Kelly Groening (Hillsboro)
    Retired Finance

Members At Large

  1. James Regier (Whitewater)
  2. Ron Lang (Newton)
    Union State Bank
  3. Rod Kreie (Newton)
    Newton City Commissioner
  4. Joel Gaeddert (North Newton)
    Flint Hills Designs
  5. Jon Zerger (Newton)
    LRICo Services LLC
  6. Rachel Swartzendruber Miller (Iowa)
    Hesston College
  7. Allen Wedel (Newton)
    Trinity Heights Methodist Church Foundation
  8. Jacob Schmill (Peabody)
  9. Matt Voth (Newton)
    Goessel Community Foundation
  10. Rick McNary (Potwin)
    Shop Kansas Farms
  11. Keegan LeFevre (Hesston)
    Everence Financial
  12. Sara Kelly (Newton)
    Health Ministries
  13. Jenna Ratzlaff (North Newton)
    Kansas Christian Home
  14. Tami Carlgren (Newton)
    Community Volunteer


  • Angie Tatro, CEO


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