65 Total Scholarships
118 Scholarship Recipients
Scholarhip Ammounts:
$250 – $5500 each
Total Amount Awarded:
“This year’s scholarship cycle was finalized in May. The scholarship award letters have been sent out and it has been fun to see what the recipients have chosen to do in the next phase of their lives. We wish them all the best as they move forward!” -Kim Stahly, CKCF Scholarship Program Officer.
Are you interested in growing your scholarship programs? View this SAMPLE LETTER from a fund advisor in Fredonia, KS.
He is strategically engaging a targeted people (alumni of a specific graduating class) and successfully connects with them in one very specific way. The proof of their success is in the amazing growth the fund has seen over the years.
If you have more interest in how CKCF assists with scholarship programs, please contact Kim Stahly, CKCF Program Officer, Scholarships.
Here is the 2022-2023 Scholarship Awards List across all CKCF Affiliates.
Scholarship Awardees 2022-2023
Augusta CF
Chelsea Gerbitz Scholarship
- Halle Ramsey
- Jaiden Ingram
- Kassie Kinniburgh
- Tristan Olive
- Joshua Manahan
- Abby Strouth
- Isabelle Loucks
- Kendal Vinson
- Hunter Jones
- Jake Brown
May Gruver Scholarship
- Tommie Schaffner
Sally Annette (Souder) Puckett Scholarship
- Tristan Olive
Vada-Vida Fletcher/Ketch Business Scholarship
- Sydney Scott
Walter and Sidney Ewalt Scholarship
- Tommie Schaffner
Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF)
Andover Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
- Cara Brockmeyer
- Nicole McIlvain
Margaret L Smith Decker Scholarship
- Amie Yoder
Seeds of Opportunity: Richard and Leah May Ross Memorial Scholarship for Continuing Education
- Hannah Agee
- Christopher Ward
Douglass CF
Dellsea Nachbor Memorial Scholarship
- Natalie McCosh
Galen Haaga Memorial Scholarship
- Brianna Wasson
Jeremy Allen Taylor Memorial Scholarship
- Justin Martin
- Brady Roberts
Rusty Allen Inkelaar Scholarship
- Kaitlyn Seiwert
El Dorado CF
Collin and Sally Rowell Memorial Scholarship
- Erin Johnson
- Ethan Manke
Clifford and Rubye Angleton Scholarship
- Leslie De La Rosa
- Jaysi Mertz
- Victoria George
- Jillian Rockley
George Trimble Special Need Scholarship
- Victoria George
- Kara McLaren
- Presley Johnson
- Ethan Manke
Jenny Sundgren Baker Memorial Scholarship
- Trena Garcia
Wayne Willis
- Kiowa Stark
- Audrey Van Zelfden
- Caleb Hinck
- Christopher Cain
- Lily Hilgenfeld
- Erin Johnson
Elk County CF
Ernest Frank Horn Jr, Endowed Scholarship
- Alanna Walker
Florence CF
Florence High School Association Endowed Scholarship
- Gracie Mackey
Fredonia CF
Fredonia High School Class of ’63 Legacy Project Scholarship
- Erin Frenk
- Shaley Sommer
- Jordan Smith
- Ian Sommer
Goessel CF
- Rachael Zogleman
- Kaleigh Guhr
Nelson Galle Scholarship Endowment
- Caiden Duerksen
Dustin Thiesen Student Opportunity Fund for Goessel High School –
- David Johnson
- Chevy Gagnon
- Dominic Englestad
- Chole Smith
Halstead CF
Bernice Wedel Memorial Scholarship
- Leah Weber
Charlsen Insurance Agency Scholarship
- Leah Weber
- Isabelle Loucks
Delores Sexton Memorial Scholarship
- Isabelle Loucks
Fleetwood Scholarship
- Leah Weber
- Coleton Herman
- Chandler Drake
Halstead Public Service Scholarship
- Daizy Wilkinson
Larry and Alma Herl Scholarship
- Shea Inlow
Nightingale Family Scholarship
- Leah Weber
Robert B Baumann Memorial Scholarship
- Duncan Haury
- Christopher Ward
Rupp Lawson Scholarship
- Korbin Black
Hesston CF
Donna Schadler Scholarship
- Harley Ferralez
Excel Industries, Inc. Scholarship
- Andrew Barron
- Coleman Eason
G51 Scholarship
- Faith Elliott
- Brynn Johnston
- Max Werner
Hillsboro CF
CM Sextro Memorial Math Scholarship
- Malorie Hein
Demarius Lives Scholarship
- Frank Wichert
- Duncan Duell
- Malorie Hein
Earl and Mary Lee Wineinger Memorial Scholarship
- Mickelly Soyez
Free Press / Joel Klaassen Journalisn Scholarship
- Samantha Saunders
Gehring Family Tech Scholarship
- Thomas Smith
Rod’s Tire and Service Scholarship
- Eli Dalke
- Jaxxon Hanschu
Newton CF
Brian Arellano Scholarship
- Madelynn Hamm
Denise Lynn Oursler Memorial Scholarship
- Hallie Watkins
E.S. Sanderson Scholarship
- Kaden Anderson
- Caleb Garber
- Nikolas Lampman Thompson
Jean and Virginia Coleman Scholarship
- Kaden Anderson
Katherine Hanna Education Trust Endowment
- Kaitlyn McMullin
Newton Area Women of the Year Scholarship
- Savannah Hunsucker
- Kaitlyn McMullin
- Lauren Anton
Newton Lions Club Scholarship
- Lauren Anton
Nygaard Family Scholarship
- Hayley Loewen
- Jordyn Regier
Snapp Family Scholars
- Ethan Neufeld
- Kaitlyn McMullin
- Benjamin Friesen Guhr
Peabody CF
Ewert Family Scholarship
- Noal Reynolds
Keith and Marilyn Harsh Scholarship
- Carly Deines
- Samantha Saunders
Marilyn and Keith Harsh Memorial Scholarship
- Noal Reynolds
Sharlene L Brooks Memorial Fund
- Talyn Stahlheber
Vernon and Laura Slocombe Memorial Scholarship
- Ariana Marcenaro
Remington CF
Edna and Mae Mertz Scholarship
- Lily Hilgenfeld
- Jackson Bumgarner
- Alli Willour
John Edwards Scholarship
- Ellie Van Zelfden
Keith Sommers Scholarship
- Evan Claassen
Larry Brown Memorial Scholarship
- Jackson Bumgarner
Pat Halabi Memorial Scholarship
- Willow Blackfox
RD Allen Scholarship
- Zach Jenkins
Tina Jo Wedel Burton Scholarship
- Alli Willour
- Lucy Brown
Valley Center CF
Riley Greenwood Memorial Scholarship
- Madison Moses