Richard, Leah, and Lynn Ross

You can make a difference in the lives that follow

Richard and Leah May Ross were good people; they raised their family in Sedgwick Kansas. Helping others was a natural part of their lives. They were involved in many organizations including CASA in Newton. Richard was a child advocate and Leah was a member of the board of directors.

Their daughter Lynn is now a journalist in Philadelphia. Following her parents death she returned to the Sedgwick farm where she grew up to clean out and go through her parent’s possessions. As she was doing this she came upon a saying that caught her attention: “Leave a Legacy – You can make a difference in the lives that follow.”

The message on this simple cube of post it notes led Lynn to create the “Seeds of Opportunity” scholarship fund to benefit Sedgwick High School seniors who demonstrate financial need and a real desire for learning.


Lynn Ross knew in her heart that her parents understood what it meant to Leave a Legacy.