Many donors wish to establish a new endowment with Central Kansas Community Foundation. An endowment is a fund in which the principal is invested in perpetuity and only the income generated is distributed annually. This allows your gift to benefit our community forever.

Establishing a new endowment allows you greater flexibility as to how you would like your gift designated and which organizations or causes you want to support.
Endowment fund minimums begin at $10,000. Alternative Expendable/Non-Endowment funds are also an option within all these option.
There are several options for donors wishing to start a new fund:
New Fund Options
Designated Fund
Donor-Advised Fund
Field of Interest Fund
Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted Fund
Create a New Fund
For questions or more information about starting a new fund, please contact:
Angie Tatro
Phone: (316) 283-5474