CKCF Leader Series: Jennifer Vogts



While Jennifer moved around with her father’s Air Force career during her formative years, she spent the most time growing up in Norcross, Georgia. After graduation, she moved to Kansas and has lived in Newton since 2003. She married Alan Vogts and together they have a blended family filled with 6 children, a son-in-law, two grandchildren and two soon-to-be sons-in-law. She enjoys spending time with family, attending the kid’s sporting events, running, reading, listening to live music and watching movies.

For the past 12 years Jennifer has been a stay-at-home mom. Remaining connected and engaged in the Newton community in meaningful ways is very important to her. Therefore, sought involvement with the Women’s Community Foundation, Leave a Legacy, North Newton Community Foundation, Central Kansas Community Foundation and others. This allows her the flexibility to balance her time and attention on the needs of her family while making a positive contribution to other endeavors outside of her home. Currently, Jennifer also works as needed with Alan’s companies, Vogts Construction and Vogts-Parga Construction.

CKCF’s mission is building stronger communities through charitable giving. Jen firmly believes that is what is going on in Newton and in CKCF’s Affiliate service areas. It is very rewarding to see so many people, many of them her friends and neighbors, investing their financial resources as well as their effort and time generously and strategically back into their communities. The difference a donor’s charitable contribution makes on the lives of people living in our communities is tremendous, and she is honored to get to see that first hand as a CKCF board member. She is so proud of the work CKCF does as a team. CKCF touts capable and talented leadership, and staff and board members work well together, and they have a lot fun while they’re at it! As a result, CKCF assets have grown to over $22M across 380 funds producing over $1M in grants each year to help make communities stronger and life better in many areas like animal welfare, health and human services, science and education and arts and culture.  She is very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of something so significant to others and impactful on the world around her!

In addition to her profound commitment to CKCF, Jen serves the North Newton Community Foundation, Newton Area Woman of the Year, SafeHope and Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Harvey County. She is also involved with Junior Reading Circle.

Jennifer is related to Noah Webster – they are cousins! He was an American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, political writer, editor, and prolific author and was the author of Webster’s Dictionary. Also, Al and Jennifer watched all 7 seasons of Game of Thrones in three weeks!

The Benefits of a Charitable Bequest

Bequest Benefits

A charitable bequest is an easy way for you to help us in our work and benefit. Here are some of the benefits of bequest giving:

  • It costs you nothing today to make a bequest
  • A bequest is free of federal estate tax
  • Your bequest can be changed down the road
  • You can still benefit your heirs with specific gifts
  • A bequest may produce estate tax savings
  • You can leave a legacy through a bequest

Click HERE for more information.

If you are interested in establishing a bequest, please contact our office at (316) 283-5474.

CKCF Mission Moment


CKCF Mission Moment with Executive Director Angie Tatro

Providing options for charitable giving. We offer a Giving Card. Much like retail gift cards, Giving Cards are given to celebrate birthdays, holidays, a job well done, or other special occasions. Giving Cards can be redeemed to benefit any 501(c)(3) public charity in the United States (including schools, churches and synagogues). A gift that makes a gift! The purchase of a Giving Card is tax deductible. For more information about giving cards or to purchase a giving card, please click the following link.

CKCF Open House a Success!

CKCF recently hosted our friends, donors and charitable organizations at the 2018 Dessert First Open House. We featured Community BetterMINT ice cream from the Salted Creamery in Newton, showcased our affiliate accomplishments and honored the legacy of Frank and Geneva Spangler by giving a grant award to the Carriage Factory Art Gallery from their fund.

We have featured the event photos on our Facebook page – visit us at @CentralKansasCF!!

CKCF Leader Series: Rod Kreie



Rod Kreie was born and raised in Ulysses, Kansas.  After graduating from Ulysses High School, he attended Southwestern College in Winfield, Ks. Rod and his wife Dana have three girls (Rebecca, Melanie, and Bethany) and 5 grandchildren. Their kids live in New York City, Seattle and Alamogordo, NM.  When not working or volunteering, he loves golf, sports and mowing his big yard.

Rod is the managing member of Great Plains Biosciences Group. He also is an advisor and on boards of several other entities that he is involved with.

Rod seldom says no to helping his community and said yes when asked to serve on the CKCF board. His passion for CKCF is motivated by seeing groups prosper, using the concept that by pooling resources, a bunch of little contributions can add up and make a big dent in things a community can invest in to take care of it’s needs.

Rod is deeply involved in Rotary and sells lots of peaches that help every 3rd grader in Harvey County get a dictionary, often the first book they have ever owned. He was recently appointed  to the Newton City Commission, has served as president of the Chamber, chairs the Greater Newton Community Foundation, on the inaugural committee for the Sand Creek Festival and is actively involved in Rotary Youth Exchange.

I’ve been involved in Rotary Youth Exchange since 1987 and know kids (grown into adults) all over the world. For my last birthday, because of social media, I received birthday wishes from over 40 countries.

CKCF Mission Moment

Mission Moment from Angie Tatro, Executive Director

The Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF)  acts as a steward, protecting your charitable dollars and watching out for your interests during your lifetime and even after you’re gone. We are committed to knowing what matters to you by finding ways to make a charitable impact that makes a difference.

Donor Feature: Daniel J. Taylor Family

Central Kansas Community Foundation donors do make a big difference. We would like to show you how they impact the communities in which they live or have lived.

Daniel J. Taylor Charitable Foundation

The Daniel J Taylor Charitable Foundation was passionate about serving at-risk youth and partially funded the Sunshine Children’s Home. The Home has served more than 1,700 victims of child abuse, ages 0-18, since its opening in 2014.

The Taylor Foundation established the fund with CKCF, Taylor Family Children’s Home Endowment Fund, to give the grant of $25,000 to the Children’s Home. In addition, their fund provides ongoing support through annual giving.

LIKE our Facebook page and learn more about what our donors are doing through our new series!

Leaders of CKCF: Carrie Herman



Carrie Herman is a graduate from Halstead High School and obtained her Bachelor in Business Administration from Pittsburg State University.  When not working or serving the community, Carrie and her husband Clint enjoy watching their two sons (Cole 15, Connor 10) in multiple sporting activities and also spending time at the lake.

Carrie has been the Executive Director at the Kansas Learning Center for Health in Halstead since July 2016.  Prior to that she spent almost nine years at Asbury Park where she was most recently the Vice President of Operations.

A previous Board Member introduced Carrie to CKCF and invited her to become a part of a wonderful, growing foundation.  Her passion is to see the scholarships and grants continue to flourish, giving back to the surrounding communities in wonderful ways.  This is possible by promoting the Community Foundation and helping others invest in the causes that are near and dear to their hearts.

In addition to serving as the Board Chair of CKCF, Carrie serves as the Vice President of P.E.O. Chapter AK and as a Past President of the Newton Lions Club.  Carrie is also involved with the Healthy Harvey Coalition, Healthy Harvey Drug Free Communities Coalition, USD 440 All School Alumni Committee, and the AFP Greater Wichita Chapter.

After college, Carrie enjoyed traveling across the US on a promotional tour hosting pre-concert events for the Rolling Stones.

The Three Parts of Victory

There is a lot we can learn from the power of training for a triathlon. To win, a competitor must be an excellent swimmer, bicyclist and runner. The athlete must master not only these stages of the race but also the transitions between these disciplines.

In life, we all have a finish line, we just never know when we will cross it. A triathlete’s goal is to cross the finish line first. However, we don’t have to finish first to have a successful future. Everyone has the power to win.

While a triathlete can be finely tuned and train for life, he or she may still only come in second place. Unlike the triathlete, we don’t have to train, and there are no sacrificial diets or exercise regimens. The cost for having an estate plan is minimal compared to the investment a triathlete makes, but the rewards are remarkable.


Like the triathlete, the first step in estate planning is always the most difficult: Starting. To help you begin and even give you a head start, we have free tools that make getting started easy. Once you have them and use them, you have already completed step two—preparation.

You are 2/3 of the way to victory! The final step is easiest—completion. It comes when your attorney combines your preparation into a solid, thoughtful plan that follows and preserves your wishes. What could be easier or more rewarding than that? Call or email us and ask us for our free, no-obligation tools we have for you.

CKCF Mission Moment

Mission Moment from Angie Tatro, Executive Director

Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF) is a nationally accredited community foundation. The accreditation process for National Standards is not mandatory. We chose to go above and beyond by affirming our commitment to excellence and accountability. Our accreditation provides assurance that we have sound policies and practices in place. In short, it means we meet the highest standards for local giving.