Policies and Procedures

Tax Identification Number

Central Kansas Community Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt charitable organization.

Our Tax ID Number is 48-1221368

General Policies

Privacy & Confidentiality Policies

The Foundation highly values the privacy of our donors, charitable agencies and website users. See the CKCF Privacy Policy, CKCF Conflict of Interest Policy, and the CKCF Confidentiality Policy for information regarding how we ensure your rights and privacy.

Multi-Media Policy

The CKCF Multi-Media Policy governs the publication of and commentary on multimedia by employees, Board members, contractors and volunteers of the Foundation. Multi-Media Consent Forms are available online or as a printable PDF. Use this form if you are an adult, parent or guardian of a minor, or institutional representative to allow CKCF to use your photos, images, or interviews in our marketing materials for promotional purposes.

Non-Discrimination/Inclusivity Policy

Central Kansas Community Foundation seeks to enhance the quality of life for all citizens in the central Kansas area as our dynamic community continues to grow and change. Its ability to achieve this mission and to foster a commitment to excellence can best be pursued with a governing body, work force, grantees, donors, and partners that include individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives.

See the Non Discrimination and Inclusivity Policy for more information.

CKCF is an equal opportunity employer. See CKCF Personnel Policy and Procedure Handbook 2024 for more details.

General Foundation Policies cont.


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