Growing Your Foundation


External Grants

One way to grow your foundation is to apply for External Grants to support your operations or a project your affiliate is undertaking. Such applications are made under the 501 (c) 3 for all of CKCF and affiliates. If ever CKCF’s 501 (c) 3 were compromised due to incorrect information in a grant application or grant report, our charitable work across the region would be jeopardized. Because of this, there is a two-step process for pursuing outside grant money.  Do not apply for external grant funds without approval on both of these forms.

External Grant Pre-Application Form
External Grants Application Checklist

Growing Endowments

One of the main responsibilities of affiliate board members is to grow your community foundation endowments. This is not the same as asking for money, but rather simply telling stories and introducing local options to potential donors. This is also a different from holding fund raisers which we often find take a lot of board energy and time with minimal return.

In addition to the resources linked below, here are some ideas for approaching potential donors within your circle of influence:

  • How to talk to (potential) donors
  • Share the story of a donor in your community in a way that highlights the satisfaction of leaving a legacy for generations to come. Better yet, share your own story!
  • Be ready to talk about grants your Impact Fund has recently given. This can be as simple as planning to answer the casual “what’s new” question with, “Well our community foundation just funded….” Scholarship Awards and grants made from Donor Advised funds (with permission of donor) also make great stories.
  • Make a plan to present a short talk at the local Senior Center, visit with a friend over coffee, or introduce your community foundation to a social club or church group. Again, plan to simply share a few stories of donors and/or grants and introduce philanthropic options available through the foundation.
  • Utilize CKCF Staff to support donor relationships and provide resources for potential gifts. We have a shared role in building relationships.
  • Provide written materials to potential donors, direct them online for more information. Be sure your affiliate webpage is up to date. (Update your page by sending a Word document to Angie with updates for your page and an appropriate photo.



Graphic Design Support for Marketing Materials


#Giving Tuesday

There are many great resources to help your community foundation prepare for #GivingTuesday. Here are just a few to get you started:

  • The #GivingTuesday website offers many resources! To name a few: #GivingTuesday Youth activities, Giving Circles, a data about how the #GivingTuesday movement has grown over the 10 years since its inception, and find ready-to-use Facebook posts.


NEW!! Customizable Affiliate Marketing Packs

CKCF and Community Creative Services in Newton, KS have worked to develop customizable marketing packs that are available to all affiliates. We currently have three marketing packs available to choose from. Click the graphics below to learn more and start the customization process.


Additional Marketing Kits

These tools are also designed to be customized for your local Community Foundation. Please read the Marketing Plan for each kit to understand the strategy for using these tools and then fill out the WuFoo form to provide specific info about your affiliate. When customization of these materials is requested, all CKCF general information will be updated as well from any of the sample links listed below.  Please allow two weeks from the date of your request to receive your customized materials. Thank you!

Gifts of Grain

Funeral Homes

Board Recruitment