Hesston CF Casino Party

Friday night, November 11, Hesston Community Foundation hosted their first Casino Party fundraiser! There were approximately 100 people in attendance at the event. Wichita Casino Parties flawlessly executed the evening’s entertainment. The dealers were knowledgeable about the games and encouraged enthusiasm among the players. Because the games were simply for entertainment and education, everyone was a winner!

Chip counts were totaled at the end of the night and players entered to win the prize raffles, which included Apple AirPods and a 55’’ television. Heavy hors d’oeuvres were catered by Water’s Edge Restaurant and Catering and the evening featured a silent auction. Local sponsors responded generously to our call for support.

The highlight of the evening was gathering with our foundation family and new friends to support the organization. Former directors and board members as well as fund advisors and our donors were in attendance to enjoy the evening. The program called attention to their contribution to the foundation and highlighted recent successes. Russ Buller with Hesston Fire/EMS gave a short speech regarding the foundation’s purchase of their saws in the most recent grant cycle. Overall, the evening was very well received, and it looks like we might just have to put a date on the calendar for next year!

Be Ready, Be Resilient

In late August, Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF) hosted a convening at Butler
Community College for affiliate leadership, community partners and other interested parties to
share information and opportunities associated with the most recent grant from the Funders

Presenters for the event included: Jeff Kohler, Mennonite Disaster Service, Cari Cullen, Center
for Disaster Philanthropy and Julie Stimson, Sedgwick County Emergency Management.

One important area of emphasis for the conversations that day was the emerging need for our
communities to be aware of marginalized populations who are under-served during a time of
disaster. Good conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion took place.

Represented affiliate foundations/communities learned about their eligibility for a $1,000 grant
to use for within their area to support this important work.

Grant awards will be used as follows:

Bethel College/North Newton CF
Invest in 22 emergency supply kits-Red Cross 3-day Emergency Pack for Bethe College residential halls which includes Haury and Voth Halls and Warkentin Court. Resident assistants in the buildings will be responsible for securing the supplies.

Butler County
Work with city managers in Butler County towns along with area landlords to collaborate on
increasing the number of renters in the county who hold renters’ and comprehensive auto
insurance. Utilize an informational campaign on multiple platforms to educate area renters on
the risks of being under-insured.

Elk County CF
Educate the community’s knowledge of emergency preparedness, response and recovery through distribution of an informational magnet with important contact details and a QR code that links to a website. Purchase a Heiman Viper Gallonage Nozzle for the Longton Volunteer Fire Department.

Goessel CF
Utilize the services of an engineer to explore the options for flood control and/or prevention in
the community of Goessel.

Halstead CF
Partnering with local organization, The Neighbors Store, the foundation will offer the opportunity for a pillowcase project for underserved populations. Supplies will include non-perishable items and a binder for essential documents.

Hesston College
Purchase six Bleeding Control Stations and five NOAA Weather Radios for placement in the residential areas of the college. Provide education to all students on proper usage of the new equipment.

Hesston CF
Partnering with Hesston Fire/EMS give community members with opportunity to create “GO BAGS” to be used by families in the event of a disaster. Bags will be backpacks that have File of Life documents, LED flashlights, phone chargers and water-resistant document folders.

Hillsboro CF
Working to enhance emergency preparedness in their community, the foundation will provide emergency site drone training and upgrade the body vests for law enforcement.

Newton CF
Partnering with the Harvey County Community Chaplain Response Team, the foundation will continue to grow their program for educating and supporting the Hispanic members of the community.

Peabody CF
Collaborating with students from the Peabody Middle and High Schools and the Peabody Fire Department, the group will work to clean curbs and paint house numbers on them for easier recognition by emergency responders.

Valley Center Police Department
Valley Center Police Department will purchase traffic barricades to assist during high traffic- pedestrian or vehicular-to keep citizens safe during a critical incident.

Wilson County
Partnering with Elk County, the Emergency Management department of Wilson County will provide a magnet with emergency information and a QR code. The public will have an opportunity to obtain the magnets at local partners, including city halls, libraries, senior centers and at community events.

Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF) has worked in partnership with the Funders
Network of Coral Gables, Florida for five years as a part of a cohort of community foundations in the Midwest to increase our understanding of the role that philanthropic partners, especially community foundations, play in disaster education, preparedness, response and recovery. Over the years we have received several generous grants from the Funders Network that CKCF has used to support our affiliate foundations in this important work.

Butler County Memorial Planned

The El Dorado Community Foundation is accepting donations to make  the “Butler County Law Enforcement Memorial” a reality.  Please read about these courageous individuals and the plan to honor their memory in the Facebook post below.

You can help with a donation made payable to The El Dorado Community Foundation. We ask that “The Butler County Law Enforcement Memorial” be written in the memo line of checks.

If you would prefer, CLICK HERE TO DONATE ONLINE.

2022 Annual Meeting

October 24, 2022: Central Kansas Community Foundation hosted its Annual Meeting. In attendance were CKCF and Affiliate Foundation Board Members, Community Partners, Charity Leaders and Other Friends. We celebrated with a toast for what has been and what is to come. Pictured below are those we recognized at the event.  You can also review the presentation given and read the fascinating success stories in our 2021 Annual Report. This event was hosted at the Wild Prairie Event Center in Newton, KS. 





2021 Annual Report

Our 2021 Annual Report is now available.  We hope you enjoy learning not only about our financial standings in 2021, but also about many examples of the impact CKCF made in various communities in 2021. Click the picture to view the full report.


Grant Writing 101

A Grant Writing Seminar was held  Friday, September 9th in partnership with Harvey County United Way. It was a huge success. The Porch venue in downtown Newton was utilized to host this well attended event of nearly 50 participants. Kaely Burgess with Health Ministries provided the presentation and did a phenomenal job. Her presentation included the importance of building relationships with funders, the art of storytelling, key dos and don’ts of grant writing, a process to vet requests for proposals, and funder research techniques. A lot of valuable information was shared by Kaely as well as participants in the room.


Cristobal Goldberg

“I’m an international student from Chile. I attend Bethel College, where I play for the Men’s Soccer team, and I’m studying Business Management and Social Work. I’m a Senior, and I’m doing my internship, for both degrees, at Central Kansas Community Foundation. I received a scholarship offer from Bethel in 2019 to come here to play soccer and study, originally I was only studying Business, but I found myself liking and enjoying Social Work classes, so with the help of an amazing professor I decided to double major.”

Newton Public Library Close to Goal

Newton Public Library Foundation, a CKCF affiliate, has reached 90 percent of its goal for the WHERE COMMUNITY CONNECTS Campaign to help construct a new Newton Public Library to benefit Newton and surrounding communities.

The campaign, with an October deadline, has a goal of $2.7 million to augment funding from the City of Newton and Newton Public Library for the $10 million project. The new library will be built adjacent to the existing library, and is designed to be a place for reading, learning, creating, and connecting. Features such as an updated children’s library, a dedicated teen area, private study rooms, an additional meeting room, and an indoor/outdoor seating area will provide an inviting space for traditional library experiences and new opportunities. By making the library accessible, up-to-date, and inviting, we can ensure that Newton Public Library can continue to provide quality service for generations to come.



If you wish to explore alternative ways of giving, please contact Angie Tatro, CEO, to learn more about IRA gifts, gifts of securities, tax credit opportunities and more. She can be reached at angie@centralkansascf.org or 316-239-9451.