Central Kansas Community Foundation is moving its corporate office from 301 N. Main, Suite 200 to 400 S Main, Suite 100, Newton, KS 67114, effective August 1, 2023.

After downsizing during COVID-19 restrictions, the Foundation is eager to expand their space again. This move is possible due to the generosity of Kathy and Frank Stucky who are donating the space for office use at 400 S Main. “This is a tremendously generous gift”, said Angie Tatro, CEO. Elimiating rental costs allows our operating dollars to be used more efficiently on providing our services to donors and charities, she went on to say. Kathy Stucky shared, “We are very appreciative of the efforts and mission of Central Kansas Community Foundation and are honored to contribute in this manner.”

The Foundation transition will take a little time, so please be patient. Later this fall, the CKCF Board of Directors will host an Open House. We will keep you posted on those details. In the meantime, you can learn more at centralkansas.org or contact staff at 316-283-5474.