The GROW II Challenge Grant

For a Limited Time —
Leverage your gift to your local community foundation

Central Kansas Community Foundation and the following affiliate partners received challenge grants from the Kansas Health Foundation GROW II program: Hesston Community Foundation; Hillsboro Community Foundation; Halstead Community Foundation; Central Kansas Community Foundation – Butler County; and the Peabody Community Foundation.

In 2013 Hillsboro Community Foundation, Central Kansas Community Foundation and Peabody Community Foundation fulfilled their match grants. Hesston Community Foundation and CKCF-Butler County have since fulfilled theirs. Halstead Community Foundation still has matching funds available to leverage for their community.

For the next few years, donors who add to existing endowments, or create new endowed funds will see their gifts maximized for their community. For example: if donor John Smith decides to create a $20,000 named endowed fund in support of public health initiatives, unrestricted grantmaking, or operations to strengthen the community foundation, his gift will generate an additional $10,000 from GROW II. This $10,000 will be split one half for his community’s public health endowment and one half into his community foundation’s operating endowment. What a great way to leverage your gift!

Other gifts may be matched as well. If donor John Smith contributed his $20,000 to create a field of interest fund for child welfare, or added his gift to an existing endowment for child welfare, his gift would be matched at 25%. His foundation would receive $5,000, again to be added to the community’s public health fund and his foundation’s operating endowment.

Simply put – any new endowment fund created or any gift added to an existing endowment fund has the potential to be matched at either 25% or 50%!

Learn more about this by contacting any board member of the above listed foundations, or contact Angie Tatro, executive director at 316-283-5474 or email .