Fund Advisors

2025 Investment and Spend Policy

Changes took effect in January 2024 in relation to our investment and spend rate policy.

Policy: Click Here

State of the Foundation – Investment Strategy Updates/January 2024: Click Here

State of the Foundation – General Update and Investment Strategy Updates/March 2024: Click Here

Guide to Investment Strategies: Click Here

2024 Investment Strategies: Click Here

Spend Policy and Allocations: Click Here

Annual Distributions

Most Endowment Fund Advisors in the first quarter of the year received an electronic notification of the Available to Spend/Distribute balances for use in the current year. That correspondence indicated the need for a Fund Advisor to complete the Distribution Request Form. If more than one Fund Rep, please coordinate your requests to ensure agreement as we will process the first received request received from a qualified Fund Rep.

Fund Advisors (formerly Fund Representatives) Defined: Fund Advisors are provided access to specific charitable funds based on either being the original donor, successor donor, an advisor or CKCF staff or board volunteer, including affiliate foundations.

Donors and Advisors on many of our funds are able to provide recommendations regarding the charitable funds of which they have recommendation authority. Due to this most Fund Advisors are afforded the opportunity to provide recommendations on the management of the charitable fund. Fund Advisors assist the CKCF office with providing Fund Distribution Recommendations annually. For Endowed Charitable Funds this includes making recommendations regarding the amount of the charitable distribution. Charitable distributions are the grants made to charitable entities based on the purpose and intent of the Funds Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Many funds such as Donor Advised Funds (DAF) provide donors the ability to choose any qualified charitable entities for granting distribution and it is not always the same, year after year.


Thank you for making a difference. Annually more than $1M in charitable grants are distributed in the Central Kansas Region from funds under management at CKCF. We appreciate your trust in us, as we together are making a positive difference.